Saturday, 26 November 2011

Sensory Rooms

Multi-sensory room
Sensory rooms provide an environment in which you can create events which focus on particular senses such as feel, vision, sound, smell and taste as well as the more abstract senses of wellbeing, space, time, togetherness and many more we could describe. This can happen in many ways: through special sound and visual effects, tactile experiences, vibration, use of aromas and music – in many combinations and variations.

The result is a very special room or space in which the participant can completely relax, or interact with and control all the elements. It gives people control, possibly for the first time in their lives. It enables people with any degree of disability to change and influence their environment in a positive way.

Multi-sensory rooms are used by people of all ages and all abilities for relaxation, focused work, stimulation, control, massage, aromatherapy, reminiscence work, physiotherapy, communication and stress release.
Multi-sensory rooms are built in a very wide variety of establishments such as schools, hospitals, nurseries, resource centres, leisure centres, residential homes for elderly people, community resource centres, psychiatric hospitals and centres, museums and private houses.

They are sometimes used for very specific work, such as with people suffering dementia or as a teaching tool for children with specific learning difficulties, or more generally as a community resource.
Mike Ayres Design offers a complete range of services, guiding you through the decision-making process, creating environments and providing long-term servicing and training.

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